Monday, January 25, 2010

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test MHT CET 2010 Exam

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test MHT CET 2010 Exam
MHT CET Common Entrance Exam for selection to all degree courses in Engineering ,Medical, Medicine, MBA, MCA, UPSC, IAS, IFS, CDS, NDA , SSB, Law, UPSC,Health Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy, BVSc.& AH cources ,under Govt./ Corporation /Govt. Aided Colleges and Govt. Quota in Private colleges. The Test is Conducts by the Maharashtra University. The MHT CET 2010 will be held at all the district headquarters in Maharashtra.

Courses offered by MHT CET:
• Government / Municipal Corporation / Government Aided Colleges of Health Sciences degree courses.
• Government / Government Aided / University Managed Colleges / University Departments / Autonomous Institutions / Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (UICT) / Unaided Private Colleges of Engineering and Pharmacy degree courses.
• BVSc and AH degree courses

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